Wednesday, February 07, 2007


During the last lesson, Prof. Gilbert said something about a website that allows musicians to compose music together remotely through internet. Well, after googling about it, I discovered that there are many websites which perform this function. The concept working together through internet is called "Colab". In fact, not only music but animations, movies can also be done this way. No such website found yet. If I can build one, then screw Hollywood! Anyway, Colab can have many applications, especially in business sector. It is still Web 2.0 concept. However, unlike blogs, wiki, youtube, it is not only about yourself now, it brings people together. I appreciate this idea very much.

Amazingly, the colab technology is designed to be a replacement for the white board. It was developed for meetings. After that, people are inspired by the concept. Some then start using it to compose music.

Read Colab's story

MusicianCollaboration It is a typical colab site, you may want to explore it yourself.

MusicColab Another one...

1 comment:

cellprof said...

Excellent contribution, not only the links, but your thoughts!

Keep this up, and use it as an entry point for your wiki contributions.